London Cocktail Week- Day 5

posted: Friday, 15 October 2010

Phew- the final day of London Cocktail week is here and I am determined to battle through and finish it in style!

First is a visit to a fortifed wine tasting at Quo Vadis in the West End.

I was looking forward to this event as I used to love drinking port, but my tastes have changed over the past few years and I no longer like sweet drinks, so I would love to find more dry drinks I can enjoy.

The event comprised an all-day tasting where the room was laid out with 31 different drinks for you to try (including ports, sherries, marsalas) and then a led-tasting, which I took part in, where you tried 16 different drinks and learnt more about them.

Fortunately I wasn't skating afterwards so I actually got to enjoy all of the drinks!

Once the tasting was over I headed off to Selfridges for a browse and to pick up a copy of Class magazine and to taste some chocolates (well, it was also national chocolate week so it'd be rude not to join in!)

Whilst there I also remembered it was British Wool Week and Selfridges were taking part with lots of samples of knitting all around the store.

By now I was hungry so I headed back to Quo Vadis to take advantage of their set-menu - accompanied by some nice glasses of dry sherry of course!