This kit has sold out but the pattern is available in Geometric Beadwork Volume Two.
An interchangeable necklace kit for a striking and versatile project from Geometric Beadwork Volume 2.
This necklace, which can be worn in many different ways, uses many advanced geometric beading techniques I have developed and is ideal for anyone looking for a challenge.
You will bead over 80 beaded beads in a mix of colours including copper, blues, teal, grey and red for added contrast.
Each kit contains:
All packaged in a storage box which doubles as a portable beading tray and includes a bead mat- you can begin beading immediately!
This kit is designed to accompany Geometric Beadwork Volume 2 and therefore doesn't automatically contain instructions unless ordered.
To bead this kit you need to know peyote stitch and be comfortable following instructions.
The price of the kit includes postage worldwide.
I love to support and encourage individuals who make beadwork so please feel free to use anything you make from these instructions as gifts or to sell to support your bead buying habit!