March Meet The Maker - Day 31 - Customers

posted: Thursday, 31 March 2016

I've finally reached Day 31 of March Meet The Maker and what fun it's been!

Many thanks to Joanne Hawker for the idea and challenge as it has taken me on a real journey down memory lane as I've looked back over the last 15 years since I first began beading.

Today's theme is customers and it's fitting as without all the wonderful people who support me in so many ways (such as by buying a pattern, book, kit or by coming to one of my classes) I couldn't do any of this.

So, whether you are an individual, part of a bead group or society or a fabulous beading shop and you've purchased from me or employed me to teach then I thank you.

All of you give me the financial and inspirational support necessary for me to achieve this and from the bottom of my beaded (or wire-worked) heart I truly appreciate it and thank you.