March Meet The Maker - Day 30 - Books Or Blogs

posted: Wednesday, 30 March 2016

It’s Day 30 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is books or blogs.

I'm hugely proud that over the last 10 years I've written, or co-written 8 books. Each one is different but they all cove beads, beading & jewellery making with some also covering stringing and wirework.

Of these 8 books the one that stands out for me is Geometric Beadwork Volume One.

This was my 1st self-published book and the learning curve was steep in not only how to design, write and publish a book but also in advertising, working with the book trade and publicity.

But though I had many sleepless nights, through work and stress, it all paid off and I got to write a book that has all I know & have invented about geometric beadwork in it, that is jam-packed full of all the instructions and knowledge I wanted to include and hopefully has my voice throughout. This was important to me as when I started beading over 15 years ago geometric beadwork was pretty much where I started and I stuck with it even though I was told it wasn't 'proper beadwork'! So to have the book continue to sell 3 1/2 years on, and have many reprints, is always exciting as it means I'm getting to share some fun and amazing beadwork with others!

I get feedback daily from readers thanking me for the book and introducing them to the world of geometric beading and that means the world to me.

Today is our last day in New York and we spend it packing and having a family lunch - the perfect way to end a great holiday.