Chicago 2016 - Day 2

posted: Tuesday, 05 April 2016

My time at home (a whole 90 hours of it) flew by and here I am back in the USA but this time in Chicago.

Yesterday I'm trying to wipe out from my memory as the main part of it was an aborted take-off from Heathrow and then sitting on the plane for 2 hours whilst the mechanical fault was looked at. All whilst I sweated and wondered if I should just get off.

If you've read my blog recently you'll know I have developed an absolute terror of flying so this event did nothing to help that. But it was soon over and we were in the air and I landed safely, apart from injuries to myself inflicted from gripping the armrest so hard that is.

Today is a day off and my host, the lovely Lisa Garoon from City Beads, kindly brought me to a needlepoint store. And of course I managed to buy some canvases and threads...

After shopping I spend the evening veering between the needlepoint canvas I bought in New York (the theme seems especially appropriate at the moment) and beading the final piece for my soon to be launched Summer 2016 Secret Beadalong (now launched).