March Meet The Maker - Day 25 - Packaging

posted: Friday, 25 March 2016

Today is Day 25 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is - packaging.

My packaging has changed a lot over the years and still changes depending on the kit, how it's sold and how much it's sold for.

My packaging may not be as fancy or cute as some others but when I decided to change it I had a different idea in mind - usefulness.

I know personally that when I buy a kit where the beads come in a small box or packet (that I never manage to fit them back into again after taking them out!) and then the instructions, my scissors, and even the thread have to be held separately it's only a matter of time before they all come separated and then I have to track them down, find a bead tray to work on and try and keep it all together. Not easy if like me you have lots of UFOs (UnFinished Objects).

So, when choosing how to repackage my kits I took all this into consideration and came up with the idea of a storage box that could hold everything in it, including the instructions, and that with its addition of a beading mat, can also be used as a beading tray so as soon as you get the kit you can open it up and get started!

These are a lot of work to produce with each mat being cut by hand and then stuck in, but I know from the feedback I get they're much appreciated and anything that makes beading that bit easier is all good with me.

Sometimes though I do mix things up and the kits come in jewellery boxes that the finished piece can be put into (such as my Coronet Charms kit) and in these cases it can be fun to bend the 'usefulness' rule in another direction.

Today in New York we did a food tour around Chelsea Market before witnessing a re-enactment of Jesus being crucified outside a church and then some shopping. Just another odd day on the streets of Manhattan