March Meet The Maker - Day 26 - Colour/ Texture

posted: Saturday, 26 March 2016

It's day 26 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is: Colour/ Texture.

Where do I even start with this!?!

I'm in love with colour and texture, maybe even a little bit obsessed. Ever since I first got Multiple Sclerosis I've had a physical response to colour and light and now find I crave them, especially during the long, grey, dark English winter months.

So now I always try to make sure I surround myself with colour and texture and photography it wherever I can, as you can see from this collage of some photos I took over the past 24 hours in New York.

I also try to surround myself with colour and texture, especially when I'm working so here you can see my view directly to my left and right as I sit at my laptop.

Today in New York we took part in Accomplice. I don't want to give anything away but simply say it was amazing - funny, silly, unexpected and full of surprises.