
posted: Thursday, 12 December 2013

Today is our last full day in our current home before we move to our new one and I'm being hit with a wide variety of emotions.

It's only 12 weeks since we on the spot made the decision to move and it's now, as I sit in an almost empty house, that the magnitude of what we're doing is hitting me.

This house, which we have lived in for 14 years, was our first real home together and when I remember back to our excitement all those years ago it seems a lifetime away.

Back then I was in my mid-twenties and the house has almost seen me through my thirties and many life changes. When we first moved in I had a completely different job and hadn't even begun beading (and wouldn't for another 2 years). Never would I have imagined that by now a love I hadn't even discovered would have taken over our lives, and home, so much that we need to move for space and a better work/ life balance. Beading is now such a huge part of my life that I can't imagine living without it, never mind what it was like having a carpet not full of beads!

I have so many happy memories of when we first moved in whether it was watching my niece, then not even 1 (or walking) crawling around and exploring, or my youngest sister, then just a teenager, stomping on our freshly turned earth in the front garden for a joke, except she got the wrong house... My niece is now a gorgeous teenager with a life of her own and my sister married and running her own business.

This house has been our home for so long that I'm anxious about moving and whether we will ever feel at home in our new place. Last minute panic has set in and I'm worried in case we've made a wrong decisions- better the devil you know and all that.

But, as I finish packing and am reminded of all the good times we've had here, although I am sad to leave I'm trying to hold onto the excitement of a new home and the new memories we'll make there.