Canada 2013- Day 6

posted: Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Sadly today is my last day teaching here in Canada but I'm looking forward to having the next few days off and getting to see more of the country.

For the past two nights I have been staying at The Homestead 1867 Bed & Breakfast and its hard to tear myself away. I have chosen to walk to class as it's only a few minutes and is so scenic as to appear unreal. This is a town I would move to in an instant.

Today's class at Beads of Colour is 'Pentagons' and we explore all manner of variations and ways they can be used.

I often try to decide if I prefer triangles or pentagons and can never make up my mind. Triangles are great as they're so easy to work with and have millions of possibilites. I'm sure I could just bead triangles for the rest of my life and still not discover all they can be used for. But then pentagons are that bit more demanding and you have to think about how to use them a bit more. They don't automatically lend themselves to lots of ideas I have for them and in a way I often find that extra work necessary both rewarding and challenging.

If you've never explored pentagons then I have just the book for you! and if you think you know pentagons from anyone else's instructions then these may contain a surprise as I bead them unlike anyone else with a little trick I developed and have used a lot over the years when faced with an increasing issue...

When I'm teaching I find I'm always so inspired by all the creativity around me that I'm itching to make something myself and today I satisfied that itch by making a necklace and matching bracelet using some amazing components for sale in the shop- who could resist this colour injection?

After class we jumped in the car to head towards Lake Erie and a few days of fun, chatter and exploration.

The night ended with us putting the World to rights sitting in a hot tub looking at the lake. I can sense an interesting few days ahead of me!