New York 2012- Day 12

posted: Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Today I get to do one of my favourite things with some of my favourite people- that is walk the High Line with Marcia and Mark DeCoster and Mr Jean Power.

We began with something to eat where Marcia very, very kindly gave me a DreamKeeper Ring of my own. She sells these as kits and I would urge you to snap one up. As well as beng a lovely idea they're gorgeous and wearable- mine has barely been off my hand since.

I wrote before about how much receiving hand-made items means to me and this new gift hits my heart in just the same way.

Next stop was something a bit different. When I was in The City Quilter the other day I bought a book which accompanies the TV series New York Originals (I must try and watch this- please let it be available to overseas viewers somewhere). After a bit of browsing of the book and the internet I came across Dr Laser and his Holographic Studios and discovered he runs classes in making holograms...

To cut a very long story short (we were there for an amazing 6 hours!) it was wonderful. Making holograms is technical and yet simple but complicated all at the same time, just as I hoped it would be. Due to vibrations of less than half a wave-length the one we made was less than perfect (darn whoever breathed!) and the next day it looked like a blank piece of plastic but I URGE you to visit the studios if you can.

I liked holograms but before this visit had no idea just what was possible with them. I can't really begin to adequately describe what we saw (and photos don't do them justice) but we saw holograms which moved and danced, changed into 3 different things and even ones which you would swear blind were actual objects in frames- even when you know they're flat images your brain cannot comprehend that's what they are. If you are ever in New York- Go.