More Progress

posted: Wednesday, 03 October 2012

I have slept a good 85% of the time since returning from Lancing- bliss!

But when I am awake I'm working away on the book. I have written every single word, beaded every single project (the final figure I'm still keeping a secret but it's over the 23 I promised...), drawn every single diagram (well over 200) and looked at every single photo (this must be in the thousands by now).

It's now all in the hands of the page designer as she does her magic.

There are at least two projects which I am really eager to show but I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet so instead here is a sneaky blurry preview of them. Can you tell what it is yet? They are small but clever (well, I think so anyway) twists on favourite projects which change them completely and really increase how they can be used. That's all I can say without giving too much away- sorry!