Sunny Lancing

posted: Sunday, 30 September 2012

I heaaded off to Lancing yesterday so that I would be here bright and early today to teach for karen at Fine Lines. I have taught for Karen so many times since we first met back in 2003 and it's always a pleasure.

Today we're working on Rivoli Flowers (which will be in the new book) and Rivoli Roses (which will be available soon in another way...)

Of course everyone worked super hard and this photo shows just what they did in the morning as proof.

One highlight of the day was getting to see this Caldera Bangle (also in the book and as soon as you order the instructions for this are sent to you) beaded by Shona Bevan. I can honestly say that when I saw it in person I preferred it to any of the Power Puffs I have ever made. I never would have chosen the colours Shona did, but the way they work is outstanding.

I covet this so much.

Fortunately Shona let me borrow it for a few days to photograph for the book so I get to have it in my grubby hands for a bit longer.

I am back teaching the same class next Monday so jump if you want to come along!