Day Of Beading

posted: Saturday, 15 October 2011

My time at London Cocktail week 2011 is over and today is all about recovering, preparing for a skating bout tomorrow and beading.

I've been beading when I can over the past week and have managed to finish the main body of my new Jaipur Jewels collar. All I have left to do now is make the long herringbone rope I want to go with it. This is taking longer than I wanted as first I ran out of the size 15 seed beads I'm using and also I find beading the rope mindlessly boring. But I am persevering and it will be done over the next week.

As a treat today I let myself start a new project and so a new version of my latest peyote bangles is in progress. I'm using the same 6 colours as I did for my last bangle and more through luck than planning to I'm even using them in the same order.I had planned to just use the colours in the order which appealed to my eye and it must appeal to me as it is exactly the same way I did it last time.

When I first chose these colours it was more a case of 'what do I have with me that work together' than anything else but using them I have really grown to love the combination.

I was told that they're a classic combination used by miniaturists but as I cannot remember the names of the colours described to me I'm struggling to search for any information. But I do remember Prussian Blue was mentioned so searching for colours schemes using it has thrown up lots of interesting information. Some articles which discuss using the colour are: 'Using Prussian Blue' by Kenneth John, 'Cold-Warm contrast' by Samia Shaheen and 'Prussian Blue Part 1' from Flights of Fancy.

I'll be teaching these bangles soon at Beads By Blanche in New York and Jaipur Jewels for the New York Bead Society so act quickly if you want to learn either of them!