Rivoli Roses

posted: Sunday, 18 September 2011

This project has gone really well and I've now made my third Rivoli Rose.

I've played around with a few different ropes but so far decided to settle on a simple herringbone. I may make two as I'm interested in seeing how altering the number of beads I weave through as I go alters the finished tension and therefore the way the rope acts when worn.

I snapped some shots today but didn't have the time to play around with my snazzy camera, so just used the easy one. I might play around in a week or so to try and get better shots that show the sparkle of the crystals.

I realised I hadn't yet shown off my new bangle properly so whilst I was at it I took one of that took and then remembered this photo of I took of a Lantana a few days ago. What an amazing plant.

I'm about to disappear for a few days so see you in a week or so for more beading fun.