More Clearing Out And Using Up

posted: Tuesday, 20 January 2009

I have been hard at work the last few days trying to clear out lots more UFOs and use up all those beautiful lampwork beads I have bought over the last couple of years.

I want to use them so I get to wear them and enjoy them rather than just have them sitting in a box.

Some of the pieces I have finished are:
- A copper and lampwork necklace using beads made by Sally Carver (Red Hot Sal) that I bought back in May 2007.
- A strung black bead and pearl necklace made using some great Black Onyx I bought from Twinkle Pieces last October. As soon as I saw the beads I knew they'd make great 'frame' to sit some coloured beads into.
- A simpe wirework necklace using some cane beads from Jules Gems (RIP)
- A silver and lampwork bead necklace using some beautiful beads I bought from Julie Fountain back at The Big Bead Show in November.

I have a busy few months coming up with some of my plans being:
- Finishing my new book
- Some exciting new things happening at Bead Magazine
- Lots of teaching up and down the country (Earnley College, The Great British Bead Show, Make Lounge, Beadelicious bead group and my own London classes- all of which can be seen here)
- The launch of some new patterns as well as some of my previously released ones soon to be available in French- very exciting!
- Some of my designs finally to be available as limited edition kits (yikes!)
- Teaching at a new beading retreat in France with Liz Thornton

So you can see why I'm eager to clear the decks and make room and time for all my plans!

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