Great British Bead Show- And Great British Beads

posted: Monday, 14 May 2007

Headed off to the Great British Bead Show yesterday. Was going primarily to pick up my challenge entry as it needs to get to the States this week (of course it's a secret why, check back later for more details!). I wasn't planning on doing much shopping but of course some beads just called out to me.

The main bits that caught my eye were these fantastic lampwork beads from Sally Carver (Red Hot Sal). They really called to me and I went back to the stand about 4 times before deciding I had to have them! Her work is so lovely- really bright and colourful- but not garish or childish- as Goldilocks would say- 'Just right'.

I also bought some lovely coloured jump rings from Beadsisters and some cut beads from Halfpenney's. It was really nice to catch up with all the people you don't see from one year to the next, until you spot each other at a show. Also great to meet lots of the people I've been emailing and phoning over the past few months- always good to put faces to names.

I was really taken with an amazing Turquoise cab at Designer Cabochons, but after buying the lampwork and all my other shopping this week (as well as the fact I have a pile of cabs waiting to be used!) couldn't justify it. But it was nice to finally meet Alex and Jane and see all the cabs in real life.