posted: Wednesday, 01 May 2024
I've been fascinated by these Roman Dodecahedrons for a number of years, especially as their use or reason for making is unknown.
So far over 100 have been found throughout Europe but we're no nearer unravelling their mystery (there is a possibility there were used for a form of knitting but the evidence isn't conclusive because the knitted fabric may not have survived we can't say for sure if the Romans were knitting).
Way back I started beading one but I wasn't happy with it so put it aside and we all know what then happened from 2020 onwards…
Recently they were in the news again and, with 5 years more beading experience & knowledge, and coming back to it but from a different angle, I realised how it needed to be done and I was delighted when it worked… so look out for a pattern to bead your own Roman Dodecahedron coming very soon…
When it launches I will announce it on social media and also through my newsletter, which will contain a discount code to purchase, so be sure to sign-up here
Photo courtesy Heritage England