New Beadworkers Guild Journal And The Stew

posted: Saturday, 11 January 2020

A great start to the day with the latest Beadworkers Guild journal and they have really excelled themselves with this one!

If you love seed beads then this absolutely the best magazine around - hands down.

It's CRAMMED with amazing projects and this issue has designs from, amongst others, Sian Nolan, Sarah Longfield, Heide Jenkins, Sue Maguire & Jane Marie Griffin and the projects cover such a wide variety from floral to geometric, advanced to quick, elegant to cute and also cover a wide range of stitches and techniques.

As well as the many, many projects there are fascinating article & profiles and news about upcoming events and I love when it pops through the letterbox.

After that it was off to a friend's for a 'crafting day' which turned into a day where we ate delicious food (the amazing 'The Stew' from Alison Roman which was so good we ate it for lunch & dinner) watched music videos, snuggled with the 2 cutest cats in the world, went to the pub and I got my hair cut - a perfect Saturday! Next time we will try and fit some crafting it...