Coming Out Of Hiding

posted: Friday, 06 April 2012

I've had a few projects I've been working on recently which I have kept secret, but today I realised I can show you one of them. I had decided to keep it secret, at first for no particular reason and then in case I submitted it to a competition. In the end I sent it into Bead Dreams but it was rejected so I can finally show it off here.

I wrote about the colours I used a little while ago and in the end it used 74. Kate McKinnon gave me the idea for its name: 'Caldera' which means 'A large volcanic crater, typically one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano.'

I will be issuing this as three limited edition kits (black with pinks and purples, black with blues and a special set of black & white with enough to make 2 bangles. Each kit will also contain a secret extra bead which I am madly in love with...) over the next few months but need to finish all the colour examples to show you first- so it may be a while!