
posted: Saturday, 19 February 2011

Despite having studied science at school and even begun a science degree since then (one day I'll manage to finish it...) I am baffled by electricity, confounded by engineering and bamboozled by anything to do with computers beyond turning them on. Well, maybe not quite that bad but you get the gist.

Which all makes that fact that I spend the day on a course learning all about "Making Digital Creatures" using Arduino all the more amazing.

If you're looking for an explanation of Arduino then sorry, you won't find one here, by the end of the day my brain was so overwhelmed I could barely remember my own name- never mind describe the whole premis of what we were learning about.

Put in a nutshell, it's to do with electronics and programming, so we began going over how to wire a plug and solder a circuit board (which I loved- I could happily spend hours soldering the tiny bits together).

We then moved onto assembling a "Digital creature" and using computer programming to make its "nose" light up, its "ears" respond to sound, its "eyes" respond to light and its "mouth" sing.

I really enjoyed the day and loved playing with the code and trying to get it to work. It's like a crazy puzzle which created a physical answer if you got it right.

I doubt I will ever do it again but it was certainly a different way to spend the day.