Beading Experiment Part 5

posted: Monday, 14 February 2011

Well, I don't think I can call this an experiment any more!

I have run out of the blue beads (hmm, I keep running out of beads recently, I'm starting to think I need to buy more.. ) so have started one using red beads instead.

I hate starting tubular peyote stitch, and love having something to hold onto when I start my work, so I have begun the new bangle right on the end of the first one and will cut it off once I get a bit further.

The best bit about having a long length is that I am now able to bend it to resemble a bangle shape and see that my plans have come true- they do slot together just as I wanted.

Now I just need to finish one (or two, or three) to get a full set. But of course I've now run out of the pewter beads so time to move onto my next experiment.

I was recently asked to judge a competition run by GBUK and having previous won this myself (way back in 2004, I think the last time they ran it) I think it's a great idea. Well, anything that gets people buying and using lovely handmade glass beads has got to be a good idea!

The deadline is the 12th of March so get those jewellery thinking caps on!