March Meet The Maker - Day 12 - First Ever Sale

posted: Saturday, 12 March 2016

It's Day 12 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is: First Ever Sale.

Though I had been teaching beading classes for a few years, and had previously produced beading kits for others, my first sale all by myself was on 22/11/2006.

I sold one beading pattern that day - instructions to make my Crystal Charms & Pendants as shown here, and it was my only sale that year!

2007 was better with 278 sales and over the past nearly 10 years I've worked very hard to grow my business and now sell over 3,000 things a year spread over a few different platforms.

I also give away thousands of my free patterns each year and last year over 5,000 people received my National Beading Week Secret Beadalong for free.

Every sale is important to me and each one provides me with the financial, morale and inspirational support to keep going so thank you all!

Also thank you Joanne Hawker for this wonderful idea- it has been great to wander down memory lane and see customers who are still with me and have supported me all these years - a real treat.