March Meet The Maker - Day 11 - Post Run

posted: Friday, 11 March 2016

It's Day 11 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is: Post Run.

About 75% of my sales are for digital patterns and the other 25% are beading books and beading kits.

I usually do my post once or twice a week and can post anywhere between 1-50 things a week though when I launch a new book it can be as high as 800 parcels in a day!

I sell parcels all over the world and it breaks down to be approximately:

  • 60% to North America
  • 20% to UK
  • 10% to Europe
  • 5% to Australia
  • 5% everywhere else

Though packing kits & books can be physically hard work (no thanks to my Multiple Sclerosis & my current fractured thumb) getting to see them head out all over the world is wonderful.

I know how much I love getting nice things in the post and like delivering that to others!