March Meet The Maker - Day 1 - Brand Image

posted: Tuesday, 01 March 2016

March Meet The Maker is a wonderful idea thought up by the talented Joanne Hawker as an Instagram challenge. I'm going to join in (though of course I'll be behind half the time) and also use it as a way to discover other designers, artists, makers & small businesses and learn more about them behind the scenes. You too can do the same by viewing posts made on Instagram using the hashtag #marchmeetthemaker.

Each day has a theme and today's is 'Brand Image'.

I had to think long and hard about this as I have a few photos which I know introduced many people to my work and have stayed in people's minds. But top of the list of my favourite photos I have taken is this one I simply call 'Little Man'.

I took it back in 2012 and though I had previously been taking photos of miniature people, and playing with them in my jewellery, this was the first photo like this I made public.

I think that it shows off my style of beadwork and personality well.

Since then I have often seen it emulated but I like to think never bettered.