Art Chain Day 2

posted: Monday, 19 January 2015

Today's posting in the Art Chain is a bracelet that has a lot of good memories for me- Geometric 3-4-1.

I beaded this back in 2006 and it was the first bracelet I beaded in this style hence its name. The 3 is because its based on a triangle, the 4 is a code I used for continuous bangles like these and the 1 shows it's the first I beaded like this.

This bracelet went on to travel the world in a physical, photographic and virtual way.

It got into the 2007 finals of Bead Dreams through which I met so many lovely people- not least the amazing Suzanne Golden who contacted me just after and led to me teaching internationally through her kind help.

It was also juried into the Wearable Expression Exhibition in 2008 and It also won 2nd place in the bracelet category of the sadly no longer around Bead Art Awards.