Off To Bead & Button 2014

posted: Saturday, 31 May 2014

I last went to the Bead & Button Show back in 2006 and have been wanting to go back ever since but every year it seems life and work get in the way so I was really excited heading out to Milwaukee today.

I'm looking forward to catching up with friends and meeting new ones, plus of course fitting in some beading and shopping.

I recently discovered that all my 'must-do' beading was done and now I can move onto all those unfinished projects and ideas that have been waiting for me to get around to them.

So as a treat for myself this trip all I've packed is my much loved Beading Pal, some needles and thread, a set of My Favourite Delicas 3 (I'm hoping to be inspired by my own colour choices!) and an open mind.

It was nice but daunting to sit with no plan in mind so I decided to begin with beading a triangle and see where I ended up. Fortunately, as I beaded, a memory of a sketch for a bangle idea came to mind and I spent the next few hours playing with the idea (it's a long way off completion so for now it will sit as another unfinished item) and watching the interesting documentary Tim's Vermeer.

I'm hoping to have some time to do some painting soon (it's sadly been many years since I have had a chance) and with my easel out of storage, the inspiration of the film ringing in my mind and all my travelling nearly over for 18 months or so I'm looking forward to getting messy with paints.