New York 2014 - Day 4

posted: Monday, 28 April 2014

I warn you now today's post is not all about beading- instead it's a health post purely to see if it helps anyone else in the same situation. It took me far too long to find help and some of this may ring a bell with you.

For about 20 years now (if not longer) I've been plagued with shoulder, neck, hip, feet and spine problems and am constantly told either one leg is longer than the other or it's a hip problem. Sadly these have just got worse and worse over the last year and resulted in me being unable to work for periods of time and being in excruciating pain.

I have also been bothered with waves of nausea and vomiting which can be brought on by mild stress (catching the wrong bus yesterday left me so unwell by the time I got in, but then so has unexpectedly seeing a spider!) and this is of course worse with bigger stress (armed robbery followed by days of illness anyone?) and they last anywhere from a couple of hours to 4-5 days.

My Doctors have told me the nausea is due to my M.S. and that I have to live with it and it's taken me this long to realise it gets worse when I'm in bad pain and finally Google 'shoulder pain and nausea'.

The information I discovered, covering the Vagus Nerve and especially the Atlas Bone, had me banging my head in recognition and has led me to visiting someone in New York when I realised I couldn't even wait to return to London to get help.

A few hours today had me having x-rays and some really subtle manipulation and led to me leaving as though I was walking on air. My mysterious-length leg had grown already and my shoulder, back and neck were pain free for the first time in months.

Here's hoping I may have found the source of the problems.

Dinner was a quick trip to Saxon + Parole for a drink and bread before heading to bed to sleep off the day.