Weather and Wishes

posted: Tuesday, 11 February 2014

It's a well-worn joke that it rains in England but recent weather has gone beyond that with so much flooding and dangerous weather. Fortunately where we are hasn't flooded and we just have the seemingly constant rain and storms to deal with. Yesterday the thunder was so loud and long I was no longer sure if it was thunder or explosions and as the rumbles set all the car alarms in the street off I don't think I was alone in my thinking.

The rain yesterday and this morning was so strong I couldn't see more than a few feet away and sadly I know others have it much worse than us. All my teaching and trips this week have been cancelled as the weather in the south-west is so bad that landslips have destroyed train lines and no trains are going in or out of areas and it's potentially too dangerous for people to travel.

Looking at the photos on the internet breaks my heart and it's brought closer to home and more imaginable when it is places I know and love.

I have written about my love for Porthleven many times and seeing photos of it under attack from the waves, the same waves I have put photos of here, and reading about it in the news chills me. I have long wanted to live in the tower but seeing these photos makes me very thankful I am here in my warm and dry home.

Wishing everyone a safe and dry time.