posted: Thursday, 09 January 2014

Through a completely unrelated conversation yesterday someone let me know that one of my books was for sale on the Ideal World/ Create & Craft shopping Channel. I don't think the show will be active on there for long but I managed to sneak a look at it and was pleased to see it sold out very quickly!

It was fun to be reminded of the book and the experience I had making it. It took a long time and many all-nighters as I truly 'emptied my brain' into the pages and filled with it pretty much all my beading knowledge.

I often come across people who have the book (under one of its various different names) and have no idea it was me who wrote it as they only think of me as beading geometric work so it's nice to be able to surprise them.

I know so far the book has been translated into French, German, Dutch and Polish and others and I frequently hear from book sellers and bead shops that it is one of their best selling books, so it's pleasing to know that all the hard work was worth it.