You Know You're...

posted: Saturday, 06 April 2013 the right place when the person you're staying with has arranged a tableau for your pleasure and amusement whilst you're asleep. I guess all my raving about this wonderful piece of beadwork by Tiena Habing and the little animals paid off.

I am typing this blog after my return home and my main observation was I was obviously so relaxed this trip I pretty much forgot to take any photos.

Whilst at Kate's I had the pleasure to see so much wonderful beadwork which has appeared in her book, or will appear in her second volume, and I took not one photo of any of it. I guess I was too busy trying to stop my jaw from dropping at the wonder of it all.

It is truly amazing to see something go from a simple beading idea I had years ago through the minds and hands of so many people and come out the other end seemingly not resembling what it started as but when you look closely you can see the subtle traits that show its heritage. The DNA of the piece has some genes in common with what  I beaded but the other person's piece is truly a wonder of their own creation.

It reminds me of when you see a distant relative and can see somehow that they look like you but can't put your finger on exactly how. Then you see their brother and they have exactly the same eyes as your mother and it all makes sense. Or they walk like your dad and you realise it is only in motion that the resemblance exists. Some of the pieces have more resemblance than others and some hide their resemblance until you examine them closely - but they are all unique and wondrous in their own way.

It has been a privilege to be part of all this and get beading ideas I had out in the World spreading far and wide and seeing them alter, twist and turn and inspire others and so on hopefully for a long time.

It was such a pleasure to get to see all this and talk about it with Kate. We share a lot of viewpoints and also probably don't share others- who knows? We've never seemed to disagree (but she may be biting her tongue!). Talking with Kate educates me and opens my mind to such a wide aray of viewpoints and all of her vast knowledge that it feels all I can do to open my brain like a sponge and suck it all in.

Today Kate, knowing my weakness for ludicrousy, took me shopping where I could not resist these circus cups. Its the first time a clown hasn't terrified me so I had to buy them.

Dinner tonight was a trip to the Lodge On The Desert where we dined spectacularly well. Unexpectedly we also read well as the menu was a delight to devour. 'Chef's Whim' and 'Fisherman’s Daughter shrimp' are just two descriptions which I remember and I wish they replicated their printed menu exactly online so I could whisk myself back there at a moments reading.