Back Home And Catching Up

posted: Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Ah the joys of being home and once again Dealing with Royal Mail.

After many more hours on the phone to them they have said they have 'black listed' my address as it's too dangerous for them and all my neighbours if they try and park.

The same street me and hundreds of others manage to live and park on every day- maybe they know something we don't know...

Then add in that the post offices and sorting offices don't want to take post (which is in mail bags, which I have to use to post these) then you can see I am in a bureaucratic catch-22.

So the saga is still ongoing but I have managed, through numerous ridiculous means, to get all book orders from when I was away posted out and fingers crossed someone at Royal Mail realises the nonsense of trying to cover up their errors with health and safety as an excuse and life can become somewhat simpler.

But onto happier things- I have been beading!

This pendant has been a project in the works for a while now and it's nice to see it come to fruition. It looks quite simple but there are numerous tricks I had to perfect to get the tension, fit and structure to work- lots of samples over many years led to this. The method of hanging is the same as detailed in this pendant project which features in Geometric Beadwork.

This 'Suspension Pendant' is just the first in a new geometric series I'm working on and hopefully I can soon spend a bit less time on the phone to Royal Mail and a bit more time beading and get all the others done soon.