Manic Week

posted: Saturday, 13 October 2012

Everything is so manic here at the moment that I have neither physically nor mentally been able, or inclined, to attend two of my favourite events of the year: London Cocktail Week and the Knitting & Stitching Show.

I look forward to them all year but this year my mind is elsewhere and my time is all taken up with work. Oh well, there's always next year.

Instead I have been busy finalising ISBN numbers, ordering hundreds of envelopes and address labels, bagging up beads, speaking to Royal Mail about them coming to pick up the hundreds of books I will be trying to send out in a very short space of time and a million other little tasks all ready for when the book rolls of the printing presses very soon.

As part of that preparation I have spent today proof-reading the draft layout for Geometric Beading (provisional title- I can't make my mind up!) and all looks good. It has been proofed by me at least 3 times already, then every project tested by other beaders at least twice, then again by me and a few helpers and then a professional copy-proofer. It will head back to her again before it hits the presses also. I am very eager to not let any errors sneak in, but sometimes you just can't fight those gremlins.

I was holding my breathe having sent all the files to the page designer to see how much she threw back at me as not being able to fit in there but it has all got in- phew.

That means there'll be 28 projects in the book- plus lots more inspiration.

Yesterday I worked on finalising the extra projects/ patterns which will be included for everyone who orders from me. There will be 3 of these and one is hinted at in the photo. Ok, it's a star, but with an added extra and as you can see the blank charts I include for anyone who buys the Geometric Star instructions from me gets prove very useful to me also.

As to what that extra is... my lips are sealed for now but the waiting to find out is almost over.