More Kits

posted: Saturday, 10 March 2012

I can't even begin to express to you how hard we're working behind the scenes and all the plans being made and the progress which is occuring. Every time I look at our book outline, or see another piece of beadwork, I'm struck just how different a project this is and get another shiver of excitement at seeing the finished product.

I mentioned yesterday the Pointy Pentagons materials packs (available in Blues or Cerulean & Pumpkin) I have available to accompany my project in the latest issue of Beadwork magazine and today I'm pleased to announce a new bead pack to accompany the book when it comes out.

Putting the pack together is already fun as I have been choosing beads to go in it and working out colour schemes which go together. I also have a supply of secret beads I bought a few years ago and have kept under wraps for just an occasion... Well, if I'm honest I've been hoarding them to myself, every now and then opening the box to run my eyes and fingers over them before sealing them away like the treasure they are. But now I'm so excited to finally make them available and send them around the world seeing what you all use them for.