Photo Frustration

posted: Tuesday, 14 February 2012

It's endlessly frustrating not being able to show you what I'm currently working on. I'm sure it also makes the blog frustrating to read. I hope explaining why I do it might help with that- if not then I apologise.

There are a few reasons I do it:
Competitions- Sometimes I'm working on a piece which will be entered into a competition. Whether the work is judged by the public, or by selected judges, I want to ensure that no-one knows a piece is mine before the judging.
Being published- Often I am beading away on a piece for a magazine, or our new book, and I (and often the publishers) want to ensure that pieces are a surprise when they appear in print. This is especially true for the new book as people are putting their faith in us before the book is even out so they deserve to see the work first.
Copying- Unfortunately I see copies of my work on an almost daily basis around the internet, and whilst I have come to accept some of it as a part of having my work out there to be seen, the thought of working for weeks, months, and even years, on a project and have it copied before I get a chance to 'put my stamp' on it is horrible.
This is especially true of work which may not appear in publication for many months. I don't want that by the time it comes out it seems old and that I have copied someone else. Too frustrating!

In the meantime I offer you this photo of my beading tray and my apologies.