Mistletoe And Wine

posted: Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The best thing about your parent moving to France is when you go to see them, you get to go to France. Simple but true.

Early this morning we headed over and within a few hours I was in another World.

Just being here feels Christmassy and the house is full of presents, decorations and wonderful food smells.

But there is one decoration missing: mistletoe. The trees all around us here are full of the beautiful parasite and not long after arriving we head off in a little convoy for a walk and a hunt for some low enough to cut down.

All over Northern France you can see rows of Poplar trees traditionally planted, I was told, so that fathers can fell them and sell the wood to fund their daughter's wedding. They make striking landmarks as you walk by them and spot the rows visually appearing and disapearing.

I can't wait to take this walk with Kate Mckinnon. I wonder if she plays Pooh Sticks?