Thanks And Recipes

posted: Friday, 09 December 2011

When I wrote my blog yesterday I really wasn't sure whether to talk about the charity, but it was very much in my mind as I was thinking about what to get people for Christmas. Whilst presents are always good (and I never complain about receiving them) I think everyone I know either probably already owns all they need to own, or can buy themselves anything they need. Whereas the children, my sister and her husband are working with in Bulgaria, are in completely the opposite situation and when deciding where to put my money, the decision seemed obvious.

However, I didn't want to start turning you all off with worries that any time you looked here it might be a begging post. So it was a dilemma, but in the end I wanted to write about what was on my mind and I'm glad I did as since posting the blog I have had emails and message on my Facebook page from people who were inspired to buy some items on the wish-list. I'm really grateful to all of those who did so, as is my sister. She has promised to send me photos when the items are taken to Bulgaria after Christmas so I will update you all then.

But in the meantime I'm worrying about giving people presents. I know, I just said everyone has all they need, but I love giving presents and just giving people a jar of jam at Christmas seems a bit mean. I jokingly told some people that they would get whatever I could find in my cupboard, but that is looking truer as the days go on.

I recently found this intriguing looking recipe for Milk Liqueur, and though I don't like to drink anything that sweet, I have been sorely tempted to try it out. Seeing as I have all the ingredients in the cupboard, and surely little bottles of it would make perfect presents, it seems silly not to...

So I found myself mixing vodka, milk, sugar, 1/2 lemon and some grated chocolate into a big jar and starting the 10 day wait. But the recipes says you will get curdling and I expected this to happen straight away and nothing did. I'm hoping that it may happen overnight and for the first time ever I'm hoping I wake up and find my milk curdled.