New York 2011- Day 3

posted: Friday, 11 November 2011

Another day, another opportunity to shop...

Today we decide to head out to New Jersey and visit a Walmart. Just as much as I love visiting bookshops on my travels, I also love supermarkets. You get to learn a lot about a place by its shops and being deprived of Walmart here in the UK I always love an excuse to wander around, be horrified by some of what's on offer and buy ridiculous items to bring home. Last year I scored a couple of nice dresses, so this year my friend wants to visit to see if she can get any.

We manage to spend literally hours exploring and by the end have become passively high on sugar and fat.  Then we enter the Christmas section... As we browse (I love Christmas, Americana and kitsch so this is pefect for me) we become delirious and then when we spot that a lot of the decorations have clips on them making them ideal to be worn as fascinators. Well, I can only offer the sugar fumes as an excuse for the amount of decorations we end up wearing and buying. Now I just need a Christmas party to wear them to!

Next up is lunch and we walk to the conveniently near Applebees where, as it is Veteran's Day, they are offering free food to current and ex-service people. Seeing a group of young men/ boys in uniform who all look like they must have just scraped in the age-limit for recruitment and knowing that they may end up giving their lives for our safety soon 'sobers' us up. I guess it is a sign of my getting older that everyone is starting to look younger but seeing these young men at the start of their adult lives was truly a shock.