All Over The Place

posted: Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Today I'm tied to my computer still clearing emails and paperwork.

I'm also going through magazines and eMags, updating my bio and looking at my recently published work.

I was really pleased last week to receive a copy of the November 2011 issue of Beads & Beyond magazine in the post. There's a nice profile of me in the issue with some nice photos- it's a nice magazine and it's always good to help to squeeze some more seed beads in there!

My recent netted earrings project featured in their October 2011 issue if you want to make some of them you can get the back issue here.

Today I also got a chance to look through the new peyote stitch eMag from the lovely folks at Beadwork magazine. My beaded beads with crystals from earlier in the year feature in this as a project and I was pleased to be able to see them.

I was expecting the eMag to be just a digital version of a magazine but I was very wrong, it's much, much more than that.

As well as the projects, the eMag also contains videos you can watch to learn peyote stitch (and its variations), as well as advice on colour and much more. I really was blown away by just how much it contained and just what new publishing technology can give you. Really made me feel like a cave man as I flipped pages and watched videos all on-screen- how exciting to see new technology used for beading!

I will be finally sending out a new newsletter this week with some new instructions and a discount code so make sure you sign up soon to receive your copy.