Netted Earrings

posted: Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Years ago I beaded these simple netted earrings along with a very elaborate, very large pair.

Unfortunately I managed to lose the large pair the first day I wore them and have been meaning ever since to re-make them. But of course I never have.

When I was asked recently to design a seed bead project for a magazine I knew immediately I wanted to revisit the idea and, having been given an autumnal colour scheme to work with, I got my brown, green and gold beads out.

I knew roughly the shape etc I wanted but for some reason I decided to use size 8 beads for my first sample which I wasn't happy with. The loops just don't lie nicely. So I left the project whilst I pondered how to alter it and then I made two variations using earring findings with loops already on them. Once these were made today I remade my original earrings using size 11 seeds and I'm much happier with them.