Geometric Week 2011 Day 1

posted: Sunday, 11 September 2011

Despite my sadness at this probably being my last ever visit to Earnley, it is nice to be back here again.

The class begins tonight with an hour-long session where we all begin to get to know one another and I introduce them all to the myriad of projects and techniques we'll be looking at over the week. I'd hate anyone to be bored, uninspired or have to bead something they don't want to, so I always come prepared to bombard them with ideas and inspiration. Each year the students take home well over 100 pages of handouts, just enough to keep them going for the year!

Tonight we begin looking at triangles before we depart to the bar and then bed.

I've brought lots of beading of my own to get on with and have decided to start with the most urgent piece- a new pantagon bangle. Fortunately I remembered to bring along the piece I cut off my last bangle, so, by simple attaching a new thread, I can easily get started with my new colours, going all the faster for having a substantial piece of beadwork to hold onto.

I only manage a couple of rows before the temptation of bed is too much and on this very stormy night I am soon tucked up and looking forward to the week.

Check back in a couple of weeks for photos.