Back Of My Mind

posted: Saturday, 10 September 2011

It's funny how life, inspiration and the brain works. Yesterday I came to the computer thinking I was going to write a blog about seeing Dolly Parton in concert, but my sadness about Earnley closing, and its repercussions on students, staff and teachers, took over and I never even mentioned it.

Well, there's not much to say really. She was awesome (she played around ten different instruments and as someone who is beyond non-musical I was really impressed) and we all had fun and went home singing.

Then tonight I picked up a book I bought back in March, after a talk about bitters, that I have been wanting to read ever since but not had the time for. The book, 'The Standard Manual of Soda and Other Beverages' is a reprint of one originally published in 1897, and is available all over the internet, but with different covers. It wasn't until I looked at it today that the similarity between the cover and my new 'Key To My Heart' necklace stood out.

Now I am trying to remember if I had bought the book because it was the easiest to get hold of, the cheapest I could find, or had the cover appealed to me? I wonder how long after I bought the book did the desire to bead a key become overwhelming?

In even weirder news I now have my much loved little camera back but have chosen to continue to take photos with my scary big camera. Overnight I have completely shrugged off any fear of it and am happily playing around with pictures and settings (ok, mainly variations on 'auto' at the moment but it's something).

I have been terrified of the camera for 8 months now and previous attempts to use it have only served to reinforce that fear. Why now am I ok with it? I wish I knew what the tipping point was, or what magical deicison or thought changed my mindset. It would be useful knowledge to apply to anything else I'm worried about.

Today I was playing with taking photos on black backgrounds, so as well as the book cover and my lovely new (very cheap) shoes, I took a photo of some acorns and sycamore seed I recently found on a walk in a local park. I had never seen this type of seed that colour before and have admired them every since. So it was fun trying to get a photo which accurately showed the beauty of the colours.

Talking of photos, tomorrow I head off to teach for a week and then the week after that life stuff is getting in the way. Although I'm taking my camera with me, I won't be taking my computer to be able to edit photos etc. Depending on what I am up to, I may not write my blog at all, or I may blog but wait until I get home again before adding photos making you imagine what on earth I am writing about. Stay tuned to find out what I decide to do.