Battered, Bruised And Beading

posted: Sunday, 04 September 2011

So, of course, my finger didn't magically get better and, if anything, I'm ever more battered and bruised after my bout yesterday. I had a few spectacular 'falls' (Does it could as a fall if you were pushed over? The terminology seems wrong). I knew one of them was bad when the crowd collectively drew in their breathe and even I wondered if I would ever get up again. But fortunately adrenalin took over and I was on my feet and skating within seconds. I'm suffering for it today though.

Even though we lost the bout by 2 points (aarrghhh, so near yet so far) I had great fun (ignoring the fact I was ejected for too many penalties. Not all my fault, I'm a good girl, but I had to take them as I was leading my team on the track when they were awarded against us as a team) and the day reminded me why I love my team and the sport.

Unfortunately my camera went home in someone else's bag and I won't get it back until later in the week so there are no photos of the bout or the fab dinner we had in our repeat visit to Lahore Express.

One of my resolutions for 2011 was learning how to use my new camera and so far I have managed to resist doing this. I am the sort of person who is very set in their ways, terrified of new technology, overwhelmed by new knowledge and easily dissuaded, all of which adds up to a bad combination when I need to learn something new. The end result has been my new camera sitting there making me feel guilty as I'm sure its lens is disapprovingly watching me from inside the bag I have hidden it in. But necessity is the mother of invention, or in this case, I need photos for my blog ergo it's time for me to become acquainted with my all-seeing nemesis.

Did I mention I am also very impatient?

Having spent approximately 4.2 minutes using the camera, and not getting the results I wanted, I was bored, frustrated and convinced I would never know how to work it so consider yourself lucky there are any photos at all!

Photography session over, I headed back to beading and making more of my Geometric Crystal Squares. I am beading these as the double-sided version so that the necklace I am using them in will be completely reversible. One side will be Jet crystals whilst the other is these incredible Light Siam. I have no idea how they do it but each one looks like it has a little glow worm inside lighting them up from within.

Of course my pathetic photographic attempts don't show this anyway clearly enough but maybe if I put in 4.2 minutes a day I might master using this camera by the end of 2011.