Happy New Year

posted: Saturday, 01 January 2011

Whoa- where did 2010 go?

I had a very busy year (as my 166 blog posts on this website not to mention the 62 in other places including my Colour Challenge show)

I had a lovely time and really enjoyed fitting in some travel and teaching as well as a bit of beading when I could!

I was good last year and made no resolutions. Seeing as I never seem to stick to them there seemed no point. But maybe this year I will.

So, in 2011 I plan to:

  1. Bead a new piece of beadwork each month
  2. Send out 12 newsletters
  3. Launch 4 new kits
  4. Write up 4 new sets of instructions
  5. Learn how to use my snazzy new camera

I wonder if I'll stick to them? Check back here in a years time to see just how good I was!

I always used to start each year with filling out a few days of a diary and then never continue it, so I love having this blog as a diary where I can flick through and remember what on earth I was up to throughout the year.

For example, I thought I got no beading done this year, but reading back through the blog I managed to come up with 6 completely new projects that I developed (My Miriam Bangle, Interlocking Crystals, Geometric Secrets, Bejewelled Bangles, Crystal Balls, Sparkle Bangle and Beads, in 2010 plus lots more variations on them all.

Add to that a few polymer clay projects, at least 4 wirework ones and lots beading done which were variations of old designs and I was more productive than I remembered.

Added to that I finally launched my limited-edition kits, taught myself knitting, attended a variety of course (both fun and business related), edited a few issues of a magazine and developed a whole new beading technque (faux cro). Maybe I should stop being so hard on myself!

Did you do all you wanted to do? How good are you at sticking to resolutions?

To get 2011 off to a good start, and get working on two of my resolutions, I have taken a photo with my new camera with my first finished project- how's that for efficiency.

This is a variation of my Geometric Secret pieces but this time beaded in larger beads and with a lovely, sparkly crystal button nestling inside as a surprise when you lift the lid.

Best wishes to you all for 2011- I hope we all have a great year.