Colourful France

posted: Monday, 12 July 2010

I've popped to France for a couple of days and have spent most of my time baking.

In the 3 days we made 2 different types of cupcakes, lemon drizzle cakes, ginger cakes, fruit cakes, courgette cakes, walnut cakes and much, much more.

The weather is lovely and sunny which makes everything look nice and colourful so I was glad I took my camera.

On our last day we squeezed in a quick return visit to St Valery Sur Somme.

After a walk in the sun, when I spotted these colourful macaroons and this great way to display jewellery for sale, we visited the moules restaurant we saw last time and began to make our attempt to try all the different varieties.

3 down (Mariniere, Provencal and L'Indienne), 39 to go!