Fear Factor

posted: Monday, 04 May 2009

When I bought the animals to make my recent necklaces, I also bought a lovely set of insects- these were extra cool as they came in their own tin.

I was really excited by them as the were big, bold and graphic and I couldn't wait to get them home and turn them into a necklace.

And then I remembered I was terrified of insects.

So they stayed in a plastic bag in their tin as I just couldn't bring myself to open them and touch them.

Fortunately my ten-year old niece came to stay and couldn't wait to open them, hide them in beds, throw them at me in the bath etc so I soon had to learn to be able to touch them whilst pretending to be afraid - but not actually show just how frightened I was.

But I have to say her unique and rapid method of overcoming my fear worked and today I was able to hold them, drill them, turn them into a necklace and even wear them. 

So you can all guess what I'll be modelling at The Great British Bead Show.

Who need delicately put together beadwork with hours of love, care and devotion in every stitch when you have big plastic insects?!?!