Clay And Nostalgia

posted: Monday, 22 September 2008

I went to Bead group on Saturday and had more polymer clay fun. I made a skinner blend cane a few weeks ago and turned it into beads which I baked and strung. 

Sunday was a day off and we began by attempting a visit to one of the properties open to the public as part of Open House London. After nearly an hour queueing and it becoming obvious that it was going to be at least another 2 hours we gave up and instead went to the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising which is definitely worth a visit. Lots of fun getting to see all those brands you recognise from your childhood and follow how packaging has evolved over time. We also got to meet Robert Opie whose collection it is.

Of course I've also managed to fit in some more jewellery browsing and this week bring you the work of Margaux Lange with her wonderful jewellery using barbie parts.  Also Ms Vanda who is in the UK and makes delightful, fun and eye-catching work- check her out at Paraphernalia.