That Girl's Vans Are Sick

posted: Friday, 01 June 2007

Surely that's got to be the best compliment ever?!?!

It was said about me as I walked by a teenage girl the other evening. I don't know what I was more chuffed with: 1- being called a girl, 2-the fact I was obviously young and funky looking enough to be complimented like that, or 3-that I knew what she was saying!

Obviously she was complimenting one of my many pairs of new shoes the ones she liked were the black ones with the pink flamingos- and who could blame her?!?!

After realising I've been very non-beadery recently, I got straight on the case and beaded like mad to make another of my Geometric Beaded Beads. I love playing around with the colours in these and have started a new one- in blue and brown. After spending many hours experimenting I've adjusted the design which I feel works better but unfortunately is harder to bead!