In Full Bloom

posted: Friday, 25 May 2007

I visited N1WI this week. It was packed with lots of young, funky women, it's really nice to see a re-surgence in interest of the WI. I go to another one nearer my home as well, so it was nice to see the difference.

The speaker was Chris Price, who's a fantastic florist with a shop in Essex Road, Islington. He showed us lots of really great, effective, and simple to replicate looking, displays which definitely inspired me to be more adventurous in my flower buying and displaying. In fact the next day I treated myself to some hot pink Peonies and lime green Chrysanthemums!

Yet more non-beading this week- hands up who's starting to think I have become a fake beader?!?!

Instead I went on a little 2-hour scrap-booking class at the Landmark Arts Centre. I've never done any scrap-booking before so wasn't sure what to expect- and I was really pleasantly surprised to enjoy it so much! We made little books from brown paper bags and it was great fun playing with colours and sitting and sticking bits of paper, ribbons and buttons. I've booked on 2 more classes over the next month and can't wait to do them.

We're off this weekend for our annual pilgrimage to Scotts Grotto, so will have to take lots of pics to fill the book with.