March Meet The Maker - Day 6 - Raw Materials

posted: Sunday, 06 March 2016

It's Day 6 of March Meet The Maker and the theme is: Raw Materials.

Though I do occasionally work in wire, felt, embroidery, silver, resin and more, my true love is beads.

I'm not bead or material-ist so am happy with all materials, colours, shapes and sizes but primarily am known for my geometric beadwork using cylinder beads (shaped like a section of a tube) or seed beads (shaped like ring doughnuts). I love working with both and the different effects they produce, limitations they impose and worlds they open.

When it comes to colour I have a revolving door of favourites but love to play with all and any colours in my work and experiment with combinations. I like to mix bead finishes and funnily enough my first ever blog post, written nearly 10 years ago, was on this subject.