Art Chain Day 5

posted: Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Today's posting in the Art Chain is a necklace that, like the last piece I showed, also began right back in 2001 when I first started beading but this time was finished in 2011.

I have mixed memories of this piece- mainly I love it as it was the culmination of an idea I'd been working on for so long and I adore the photos with the lovely and gorgeous Gabriella van Diepen modelling it. I also love that it's reversible and interchangeable with the chain able to be used with other pendants.

But sadly it was whilst beading this that my MS first developed and I have many bad memories of struggling to finish this as my hands didn't want to co-operate and in total it took me over 150 hours to bead- spread over a few months with lots of sleep and lost weeks interspersed. But I know now if I beaded it again it would only take about 1/3 of that and I am thankful for that every day.